Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Sin City

 Archaeologists believe that both Sodom & Gomorrah as well as the city of Pompeii were destroyed by an identical calamity - A volcanic eruption. The only difference between the two towns however, is the era in which both of these events took place.

24th August 79 A.D was the last morning which was seen by the people of Pompeii. Pompeii, an old Roman City located in the present day Italy, was a well-developed and a prosperous city. Pompeii lived in a lot of luxury. Like the people of Prophet Lot (PBUH), they were also involved in sexual perversity. The art of Pornography started in this dissolute city. They used to draw pornographic pictures on public walls. They believed in God of sex and used to glorify him to get his satisfaction by drawing pornographic pictures. Researchers found drawing for pornographic pictures in this city as an evidence that adultery and homosexuality were in every place in the City of Pompeii.

The height of immorality and licentiousness was so shameful in the city of Pompeii that adultery was even done in front of kids and people were not shy of it. Fornication was so common as it could be seen by marked rise in prostitution that even the number of brothels was not known. Male genital organs in their original sizes were hung on the doors of the brothels to indicate that sexual organs and sexual intercourse should not be hidden but displayed openly.

Allah Almighty test his people through different ways. He tries the Nations by showering upon them all the Luxury, Glory and Prosperity. Allah wants to see whether they become thankful to him or whether they go astray. The more Pompeii prospered, the more evil they became. They crossed all the limits of unchasitity. Allah says in Surah Al-Araf verse 95, ' So we seized them all of a sudden while they were unaware.' Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of Volcano Vesuvius- a mountain which is still present in Italy. The Eruption happened so suddenly that everything in town was caught in middle of everyday life and remains today exactly as it was two Mellinnium ago. It is as if the time is frozen for us to see their punishment and repent on out mistakes.

The City of Pompeii was rediscovered in 18th century by a wide scale excavation by the Archaeologists. They were amazed to see that the human bodies were fossilized and petrified in exactly the same position as they were at the time of volcano eruption. Some bodies were found to be having breakfast when the eruption happened and they became still like a statue at their place. There are many indications of people having sexual intercourse when the calamity was struck on them. Petrified bodies of very young girls and young boys in the position of intercourse can still be seen in Pompeii. There is enough evidence of existence of Homosexuals from the fossilized excavated bodies from the Pompeii. Some excavated bodies have their faces unharmed, the general expression on those faces is bewilderment. Allah says in Surah Yasin, 'It was no more than a single mighty blast and Behold! they were (like ashes) quenched and silent.' The mountain which they thought was harmless and considered it as a glory for them ultimately became their own death. They didn't even know that it was a volcano. In fact, there was no word in Latin for 'Volcano'

Today, Island of Capri in Naples- Italy, is a base where Homosexuals and Nudists reside. It is a major tourist attraction where all kinds of immoral activities take place. The Mount Vesuvius is silent since August 24, 79 A.D. It is observing the same filthy deeds which made it break its silence at the City of Pompeii about two thousand years ago. People of Prophet Lot (PBUH) were destroyed by a Volcano eruption in year 2000 B.C. People of Pompeii were destroyed by the same calamity about two thousand years later in 79 A.D. Today, in 2011, after about two thousand years when the Pompeii was destroyed, the morality of the world is not so different from the past two occasions. Shall we expect a similar calamity anywhere in the world any soon?


  1. Your account of Pompeii fails to mention that most of the people who died in Pompeii where the poor, the slaves and the workers. Those who set the moral tone for the city, the elite and the wealthy, had left because there was plenty of warning an eruption was immanent. Pliny the Elder had time to sail across the Bay of Naples to rescue a friend. Funny how Allah should go to such efforts to kill the poor and disenfranchised but because they had money to flee, let the wealthy escape. By the by, unlike many popular puerile perceptions of Pompeii the excavated dead where heavily draped or clothed head to foot and in many cases veiled. I am forever stunned by the stupidity and arrogance of those who believe they can interpret the mind of God by looking at the workings of nature and especially by the workings of natural disasters.

    1. Just so you know pubipunish in this life is less severe than punishment in the afterlife. Whoever was not punished in Pompeii has either a special chance to repent or get a more sever punishment in the afterlife. It may very well be that a more vicious individual survived Pompeii only to be punished more severely and wish he had received his punishment in Pompeii.

      You should know there are no such thing as coincidence. But how to interpret an occurrence one can only speculate and take lessons. To not take heed and fear the negative outcomes of our actions is arrogance.

  2. The pictures were not, as you suggest, to glorify any "god of sex" but, instead, were to do what any pornographic art is meant to do even in modern times: On any outside walls, it was to advertise what was offered within each establishment, and to lure in customers; and on inside walls, the artwork was meant to help arouse the customers, so they might pay more to receive more. And what the "anonymous" post above says (from 7/11/14) is true--these were not willing professionals whose "wares" were being sold, but instead, the people killed there were the poor and disenfranchised of Roman society--the slaves, orphans, and impoverished widows or daughters, and various other workers. The wealthy had the means to visit easily from Naples or Capri, returning to their homes and wives in a short while. It would help you and your readers immensely if you would research what you discover more carefully at bona fide sites before going on with inaccurate assumptions. (It never does anyone any good at all to distribute false notions.)

    1. Developed Conclusions

      These paintings are unique to understanding Roman social life because these types of paintings have only been found in the excavations of Pompeii, therefore these are the only paintings that can give us insight the attitude that Romans had to sex. Erotic art was found all over Pompeii, including in public buildings, private houses and on street facades[2]. Early excavators were shocked when these paintings were uncovered and they saw the paintings as pornographic. These paintings were put on display in the 19th century, however when King Francis I of Naples visited the exhibition with his wife and daughter, they were so embarrassed by the images that the paintings were ordered to be locked away in a secret cabinet where only “people of mature age and respected morals” were allowed access to them[3]. Some of the paintings and images found have been thought to not have a sexual theme, images of phalluses were believed by the Roman’s to be a symbol of prosperity, and therefore they were commonly found in many Roman homes[4]. The changing rooms of the baths had a vast number of these erotic scenes covering the walls, displayed in numbered boxes. The function of these scenes has been a debate over the years; it is unclear whether they were advertisements for Pompeii’s brothel, or if they were a sex manual, or if they were just for the entertainment of the Roman people entering the baths[5]. Many of the paintings found how depicted group sex, oral sex, and also homosexual sex; this indicates that the Romans had a very liberal attitude towards sex. They viewed it as an act of pleasure. This contrasts greatly with the modern society attitude towards sex. Since the rise of Christianity, the idea of ‘sin’ has come to be associated with sex, and modern society has grown to have a very negative view of sex, especially homosexual sex. In fact, when the earliest excavators uncovered these erotic scenes many of these images were hidden away without being documented[6], this limits the knowledge that we could discover about the Roman’s attitude to sex. The information that has been discovered from these paintings is significant because they have been preserved under the debris from the 79AD eruption; this means that they have been protected from what is perceived to be socially acceptable

  3. Dumb post made by a brainwashed fanatic of homophobic, misogynistic religion. Your god doesn't exist, people died because of a natural disaster that took place next to them. Your mortality is flawed, stop wishing an awful death on people you don't agree with. I'd rather see many random gays having sex instead of one aggresive, dangerous muslim like you.
