Friday, August 5, 2011

Difference between an Israeli and a Palestinian Psychiatrist

Out of a few sessions that were attended by me in a recently concluded Congress of Psychiatry in Melbourne, It was a coincidence that I got to hear from both an Israeli as well as a Palestinian - people from a region which has always fascinated me for several reasons. A region of immense disputes and a region which is sacred for all three major monotheistic religions of the world. A region which would be the center of final battle between good and the evil according to Islam, Judaism and Christianity. As this region holds such a vital significance in the history and future of the world around us, I have always taken keen interest in this region and its inhabitants.

Jews/Zionists believe that they own a right to 'blossom' in the Holy Land (i.e. Jerusalem) from which they were expelled out twice in the history. They have returned to claim the Holy Land after 2000 years of scattering. The local Palestinians have been a subject to barbaric brutality since then. A stone up against an armed tank gives a complete picture of barbaric injustice.

Since I have been studying a lot about the history and the shaping up of present events into the prophesied future of this region, hearing from both major protagonists (Jew and a Palestinian Muslim) of the region, was a new experience. It was the first time that I attended a live session of an Israeli or a Palestinian - both came from same field - Mental Health.

The point on which I am going to emphasize is the comparison of the mental state of mind and priorities of both the Psychiatrists. Let's start with the Palestinian Psychiatrist. He was younger than his Israeli counterpart. He was understandably weaker in comparison and his face was reflecting the injustice he and his people have been suffering in all these years. He was able to attend the congress at last moment after been held up by Egyptian authorities for two weeks. He started off his talk by describing the current and historical background of disputed Gaza Strip. He carried on his talk by describing the impact of Israeli bombardment on children at school time and what hardships he and his team faced to overcome the post-traumatic stress disorder among the locals. He has an important task of rehabilitating the traumatized people of his community and makes them realize that Allah is with those who remain firm on their beliefs by turning to Him only - A point which he repeatedly emphasized during his talk.

On the other hand, R. Belmaker, A senior Israeli Psychiatrist, had no traumatic issues to tackle since Israeli control is too good for the local Palestinians, at least till the Almighty Allah turn the tables against the state of Israel (InshaAllah). Instead, Mr. Belmaker decided to present his research which, according to him, took the longest duration to complete. The research was about Female Genital Mutilation in Israeli Jews and Bedouins. The research was about how the Arabs and a few Jewish tribes circumcise their newly borned girls to deprive them of their excessive sexual drive, not necessarily in the same way in which male circumcision is carried out which is only physical but not sexual. Since Mr. Belmaker enjoyed a relaxed environment while Palestinians were being treated worse than a cattle flock, he could afford wasting his time by carrying out such a research which would have made no sense if he had to be a Palestinian Psychiatrist working in Gaza Strip.

The conclusion: Although being natives of the land, Palestinians are no more in a state of freedom which can only permit their Psychiatrists to overcome everyday trauma caused by Israeli cruelty rather than publishing research papers like Israeli Psychiatrists. On the other hand, Israeli public and Doctors are enjoying a tension-free life in which they can do whatever they want. Since their mental health workers do not have to face the bizarre situation of mental trauma as the Palestinians have to, they take up a research project such as in which they explore the female sexuality. Had they been treated the same way as Palestinians, their Psychiatrists would never have consumed so much time in carrying out such a research. Good and Evil can easily be judged by comparing the point of view of both Psychiatrists which represents their mental orientation.

May Allah give power to Palestinian Muslims to overcome the Israeli barbarianism. Ameen.


  1. a nice comparison.
    i have just sensed the same thing from seeing the tourism ads of israel and the news for gaza bombardments again.
    the people living in the same area under different circumstances are seeing different faces of life.
    that time is not far when even a stone will mark a jew behind it. inshallah
