Thursday, August 11, 2011

Peshawar Blast and the Massacre of 1947

August 1947 and August 2011 have two things in common; Firstly, the Holy month of Ramadan and secondly, the turmoil in the region of western Indian Subcontinent – now known as the Islamic republic of Pakistan.  The havoc in the region at present, however, is poles apart from the one which was witnessed 64 years back.

Indeed, oceans of blood were being shed at the time of partition. Thousands of entire families of Muslim origin, who were migrating to a newly announced separate Muslim state, were butchered mercilessly by Hindu and Sikh extremists. It was an atrocious time on Muslims and pioneer Pakistani’s, and that too, in the Holy month of Ramadan. It was due to blessings of this Holy month that Muslims of Indo-Pak subcontinent ware given an enormous courage to remain steadfast in their honest motives, without fearing about the apparent deadly consequences.

Today’s situation is no different in terms of bloodshed. However, people who are playing with innocent lives of the residents of this country are not Hindus or Sikhs. They are not Muslims either because a Muslim is not allowed to take an innocent life. These people belong to the brain-washed black sheep community of our society; our own country. Just as I am writing this, I am listening to extremely sad news of a recent bomb-blast by 2 women suicide bombers in Peshawar, which was targeted at a police van, and has killed 5 up till now. This incident has also injured at least 17 people up to latest news; most of them while in a condition of fasting.  

I doubt whether Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of the nation, would have wasted half of his life in a gigantic  struggle to establish an independent country for Muslims, had he knew about the killing of innocent Muslims in the blessed month of Ramadan by their fellow Muslims.

We, Pakistani’s, were being blessed with a country of our own; having freedom to obligate our religion without fearing any intervention by a Non-Muslim in our religious practices. Ramadan of 1947 should have seen the last massacre of Muslim in this land because of the establishment of an Islamic state; which would implement the Islamic law with its people spending their lives according to the teachings of Islam. 64 years later, a person, most probably a Muslim by birth blows up naive people at the time of fasting.  What a tragedy!

Can a Muslim kill another Muslim in this Holy month during fasting time? Is there any difference between a Hindu or a Sikh of 1947 and a so-called Muslim who is responsible of today’s Incident? Can we say that the real motive of acquiring a separate state for the Muslims has been accomplished? Is there any dissimilarity between Pakistan of 1947 and Pakistan of 2011 in terms of turmoil? Have your say .  


  1. Well Said Kamran !

    The brain-washed black sheep community doesn't consider us as muslims and neither do we consider them muslims. We are in a state of war my friend i dont know why we don't it seriously.

  2. I agree with you Adil. This kind of situation arises when there is lack of understanding and compassion for each other and when one thinks that only his point of view is right.
