Sunday, August 14, 2011

England Cricket: A New Era of British Imperialism.

Take a look at this scenario: An uncertain team suffering from a musical chair of captaincy in 2009 just a few months away from Ashes under a coach who used to play for Zimbabwe not so long ago. A team which played a series against a crumbling West Indies and lost to them 1-0 in a 5 match series including a total of 51 all out at Kingston within a session. A team that ranked 6th in the world without showing any prospects for improvement.

Take a look at another scenario: The same team defeated the mighty Australians twice in 5 match ashes series, both home and away; the same team defeated Sri Lanka, Pakistan, West Indies and drew against South Africans; the same team has recently humiliated the Number 1 side in the world by defeating them 3-0 to snatch the number 1 spot. The rise of ‘British Empire’ in Cricket from 6th to Number 1 rank in two years time span is a remarkable achievement. This is arguably the strongest English side to have taken the field with equally strong bench-strength. The players are of right age to dominate the world cricket for at least a decade. I know it is a big statement but I have strong analysis to support my statement.

Alistair Cook- the run machine is barely 27 and has played 71 tests already with almost 6000 test runs. He is definitely up for breaking many records in future. Kevin Pietersen has good 6 to 7 years left to serve English Team. Bell and Morgan, two positive and technically sound players are still in mid 20’s while the bowling line having Broad and Bresnan, who can play as genuine All-Rounders too, are also in their half twenties. Andersen is still 29 and the backup seam attack consist the likes of Steven Finn and Chris Tremlett to make up one gem of a bowling attack for future along with the service of Swan. There is a vast improvement in talent that is showing up at county level where players of ages 21-22 are making heaps of runs. They have a big future ahead of them. Matt Prior, the best keeper-batsman today without any doubt, has the likes of Kieswetter and Davies in the waiting list to fill his space.

Rarely will you find such a team which is at Top ranking with almost each players below the age of 30 (except Strauss) along with evenly talented youngsters in the waiting list to succeed the supremacy unlike the Australian side of last decade which ruled the world for almost 10 years by help of all the greats who were over 30 and once they retired, their was not enough back up to fill in the big shoes. Now Australia is ranked 5 in the world. England has enough back up to retain their domination after the retirement of this bunch of players, which is not happening any soon.

I have seen the English test side at the bottom of rankings in 1999, even below Zimbabwe and the West Indies and now seeing them at top of the lot after 12 years, I can do nothing except applauding the English Cricket team, the radiant policies of ECB and most of all, the mastermind behind this success, Andy Flower – the Coach. English supremacy over the original form of the game is not temporary; It is here to stay for long. 

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