Background: A False Prophecy
The Jews of Jerusalem were awaiting a Messiah, who would end their slavery against the Romans - the governors of Jerusalem (the holy city to Jews and later to Muslims and Christians) at that time. Jews were shocked to know about the birth of a girl instead of a boy on the night when Messiah was predicted to be born. The girl that was born in the house of Imran, was named Maryam (A.S) or Mary. Jews were disappointed at nature's decision and hence they never really gave Mary the due respect although she was a pious lady. When she gave a miraculous birth to Hazrat Eesa (A.S) or Jesus, they alleged her of adultery.
Reason Why Jesus was rejected by his own people:
Jesus was never accepted as a prophet by his own people because they were told in their distorted holy books that the Messiah would be from the lineage of Hazrat Daud (A.S) or David and since Jesus (A.S) was born without a biological father, his lineage was from his maternal grandfather (who was not from Daud's descendents).
Jesus was sent to Bani Israel, as a Muslim just like Moses:
One important clarification which even most of the Muslims today are unaware of is that Jesus was sent to Bani Israel, as a Prophet of Allah and as a MUSLIM. Jesus (PBUH) did not lay the foundation of Christianity. According to the New Testament of Holy Bible, Jesus has quoted the fact that he was sent to the 'Lost sheep of Israel'. Christianity never existed at the time of Jesus (PBUH) or before him. There's no doubt that Jesus (PBUH) was just one out of thousands of prophets that were sent to the people of Israel as Muslims.
Alleged Crucifixion that never really happened:
Jesus (PBUH) was given a scripture - Injeel (not the current bible), which was revealed to restore the true message of the distorted Toraat (Torah). Some of the influential but corrupt Jewish Rabbi's (just like Islamic Maulana's) saw this as a threat to their own agendas. They conspired with Roman authorities by implicating that Jesus of Nazareth was trying to brainwash the local people against the Jewish as well as against the pagan Roman religion. The authorities ordered to crucify Jesus (PBUH) however according to Islamic belief, they couldn’t do so and Jesus (PBUH) was lifted to the heavens alive.
12 Apostles of Jesus (PBUH):
The Question arises that how did the Christianity came into existence? Hardly 12 people, who are known as the apostles of Jesus Christ, embraced his message and after the alleged crucifixion, those apostles traveled across distant regions to preach the message of Jesus (PBUH) . The prominent apostles were Mark, Luke, Thomas, Matthews, John, Barrabas, Peter and Paul.
Reality of Barrabas, the Apostle:
Out of the 12 apostles, Barrabas was more closer to Jesus and possessed the original Injeel. He also authorized the authentic compilation of life of Jesus (PBUH) but due to the propaganda of various origins - which is a separate debate, Barrabas is never considered to be a prominent apostle by the Christians today. The original injeel was taken from him and was kept hidden. He is portrayed as a thief in the modern Gospels, who was set free in a swap to the crucifixion of Jesus - a shameful example of historical inaccuracy. Such a portrayal of a prominent apostle gives rise to the suspicion overlying the Christian faith itself.
The Foundation of Christianity as a Religion:
Gospels were written by Luke, Mark, Matthews and John. All of them claimed that their Gospels were a word of God. Interestingly , each of the four Gospels contradict from one another at various places. Paul and Peter went to Rome and were able to convince a huge number of Pagan Romans to the teachings of Jesus (PBUH). Paul, famously known as Saint Paul, in additions to the original teachings of Jesus, also added various other aspects into his preachings. Hence, Saint Paul but not Jesus (PBUH), is the founder of Christianity. The religion of Paul spread like a wildfire.
Constantine the Roman becomes a Christian:
The Roman emperor, Constantine the Great, was converted to Christianity and so did the Roman empire. He called a gathering of the representatives of all the different sects of Christianity in 325 A.D. The sect which truly believed that Jesus (PBUH) was a true prophet of God still existed at that time but their numbers were scarce. Constantine burned all the different versions of Gospels except for the above mentioned four and made further changes in them. Real sample of Injeel was again kept hidden and was sent to Vatican.
Sun God, Not the Son of God:
Constantine made the amendment in Christianity faith by imposing that Jesus was 'Son of God' (Nauzubillah). Constantine was of Pagan origin (worshiping different gods). It is to be noted that he never became a Christian by his heart. He used to worship 'The Sun god' who lived in 3000 B.C and was worshiped by Egyptian and Roman Pagans. The date of Birth of The Sun god according to Roman calendar was 25th December. Constantine killed two birds with one stone . For his Christian fellows, he associated this day of 'Sun God' as the day of 'Son of God (Jesus)'. Note the similarities between ‘sun’ and ‘son’ when you pronounce it. So basically he made half of the world's population to worship and remember his Pagan God instead of what people thought. Have you ever thought about Christianity’s Cross sign? Why would they symbolize their religion with something which is associated with the death of the person they brag about being as son of the God? Jesus was Crucified according to the Christians on a cross so why is it Holy for them? The answer is simple. Cross was a distinctive method of giving deaths to people by the Romans, and Constantine was a Roman.
Jesus (PBUH) was not born on 25th December:
It is evident that Jesus (PBUH) was not born on 25th December. The forefathers of early Christians, the Jews, rejected the message of Jesus, raised fingers on his mother's character and helped the Roman pagans to crucify him. How could they note down the date when a son was born to a women whom they hated right from the day when she came into this world? They didn’t even accept Jesus as a prophet rather they accused him of blasphemy. His apostles were not even there at the time of his birth. So who could have given an exact date of the birth of Jesus (PBUH) when he was even rejected by his own people? Think about it. Do not glorify an ancient Pagan’s Sun god by thinking that Jesus was born on this day.
This was a Historical background to prove that Jesus was not born on 25 December. The Religious proof from the Holy Quran on the same topic will discussed later.